11 March, 2007

Ancona, Italy

I went to Ancona for work on Thursday and Friday. It was pretty good, all in all, and I got about much done as I'd expected. There are still a lot of holes in the guide we've to prepare by June and anxieties over Finances and making sure everyone's budgets are OK, but I think we're making good progress and getting things done. This is the website I maintain for work. Here's some of the less-business-orientated photos from the trip.

Relaxing after our meeting on FridayAncona, Italy, 9 March 2007

There's a guy in Bristol with a marker pen who writes "Jesus" absolutely everywhere, and I was glad to see he's got a colleague over in Italy.
The side of a cleaning truck by one of the main squares in Ancona.
Jesus lives in Italy

I seem to love photos of rust and grimy things. I found an advertising board with a hole rusted in it, and a hole built into the wall behind it:
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